Bilingual Early Childhood Development
Inspired by Reggio Emilia

We have invested in an authentic assessment tool (CORAdvantage) to ensure our program meets the social and academic developmental needs of all kids under our care and prepares them for success in school. CORAdvantage is aligned with Arizona State standards and also provides a family portal for parents.
HighScope’s child assessment tool serves multiple purposes. It is designed to look at meaningful educational outcomes, gather information in ways that are natural and comfortable for children and adults, and provide accurate data that can be used for individual child planning and policy-level decision making.
COR Advantage is an observation-based instrument for systematically assessing the knowledge and abilities of children from birth through kindergarten in nine areas of development. Each content area is composed of items that address key concepts in early learning, for a total of 36 items (including two for English language learners). Based on objective anecdotal notes about the child, recorded over time by an observer (such as a teacher, caregiver, parent, or researcher).
COR Advantage is one continuous measure from birth to kindergarten. This developmental continuum allows programs that serve children over many years to track their progress throughout the length of their enrollment.
(Epstein, 2014)

Epstein, A. S. (2014). Essentials of active learning in preschool: Getting to know the Highscope curriculum. Ypsilanti, MI: HighScope Press.